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Business Applications of Big Date for Automakers

Big data analytics is used around the world for a variety of different procedures in all kinds of different enterprises. There are still a lot of individuals out there however, who are not conscious of just how pervasive big data really is. That's why we have been using research studies that relate to industries that everyone knows. Examples of Big Data from real life significantly streamline the processes involved and put the advantages on the table for everyone to see.

And where to look better than in the automotive sector. Car manufacturers have been paragons of innovation for more than a century, continuously pressing themselves and their products forth with fresh technology and new approaches. Today, with battery powered and self-driving vehicles perfectly positioned to completely change our world, we stand at the cusp of another automotive advancement. Big data has of course, played a role in this transition, and will only become more essential as automotive companies use analytics for everything from production optimisation to customer satisfaction improvement.

Manufacturers of cars that use big data analytics

In all manner of different facets of the car production and selling process, big data analytics have been used. While some brands began using analytics sooner than others, the way data is accessed and used is really the growth of technological advances that is turbo-charged. Owing to a number of devices, processing units and other on-board tools that track an enormous volume of information, the modern car gathers an incredible amount of data - traditionally to make it easier to perform repairs or to quickly identify a fault.

However, long-term 'connected vehicles' with internet connectivity will immediately make all this information available to automakers, unlocking a new range of skills such as advanced analytics.

Since big data is collected from the network of sources, it is possible to draw inferences about consumer behaviour, for example to determine if there is a connection between people listening to music and driving through eateries they frequent. These kinds of links can affect the allocation and budgets of advertising resources, and thus the information collected from linked cars is commercially invaluable.

Improving on-road performance and driver experience may be the new era of analytics in the automotive industry, but big data is already used by the world's largest car brands to promote loyalty and retain existing customers for more.

Connected Cars

As you generally know, cars do not communicate any human language at all. If they could, they would also be able to provide a ton of information that would be crucial to the network of OEMs, drivers and dealers. Exposure to vehicle information may not be relevant and it is already possible to use diagnostic tools in the garage in such a way, but it can be world-shattering to integrate it with data about the operating environment of a vehicle at a given moment in time. Ever more vehicles have already been equipped with sensors and natively integrated connectivity solutions to gain access to this information. A steady stream of vehicle, motor, driving behaviour and environmental conditions data will be provided by connected cars.

It is no simple task to extract definition from this mass of mixed data produced at incredible speed and volumes. The challenge now is how to better capture, analyse and redistribute these data-in-motion to the relevant receivers, eventually in real-near real-time. But the rewards will be enormous: an interconnected view of the vehicle supplying real-time insight into how the different vehicle systems perform under different driving patterns and weather factors for car manufacturers. Major advantages include the ability to provide timely maintenance services and parts promotions to improve the distributor's network of profitable aftermarket service and product sales, to provide driver assistance by issuing alerts or coaching to achieve maximum fuel economy by determining the correct speeds and RPM range for shifting gears.

But connected cars can also open up new business opportunities for OEMs who as insurance companies or roadside assistance operators, provide integrated vehicle evidence collected to third parties. It can ensure that Terabytes of data and elaborate streaming of data are stored in actual environments and in an economical manner. High-speed analytics can run on the channel in seconds to perform complex algorithms and provide real-time insights directly to the car dashboard and the smartphone app of the driver, tailored to the situation in which the driver is at that precise point or to the various players in the linked value chain.

Fresh opportunities for effective preventive maintenance

In order to minimise this risk, manufacturers generally apply preventive maintenance programmes, which are largely a calendar-based approach that requires equipment to be serviced or replaced at prescribed times or periods of time. Any production disruption is a potential huge loss of revenue to businesses due to loss of production output, repair costs and waste generated in the process. This could include substituting a part for a specified interval of time or number of operations. Conversely, a condition-based management system focuses on the status of the equipment and how it works rather than on a predetermined schedule or length of time.

What companies are able to learn from automobile manufacturers

Not every company now has access to that money or technical development of the largest automotive brands in the world, but that certainly does not mean that there are no good lessons from the achievements of companies. First and above all else, what we can see from the world of auto manufacturing is that, depending on the type of information that can be analysed, it is possible to use data analysis for all sorts of different uses, especially in related industries such as car towing companies and ride-sharing services. The growing ubiquity of the Internet of Things makes it easier than ever to capture information, no matter what your product is and adopting this feature can be crucial to collecting relevant information about customers and improving their experiences.

Secondly, for more than just enhancing your service or product, analytics can be used. During the marketing process, it can also revolutionise the way you treat your clients, moving from a blanket policy to a more customised, individual style that has the possibility to pay enormous dividends - both in acquiring new business and retaining existing customers.

The Rising Relevance Of Digital Marketing In The Automobile Industry

In the past decade, the automotive industry has shown a reasonably decent results, but industry analysts are mindful of the difficult challenges ahead. Marketing companies are not sure if in 2020 and beyond, this pattern can be continued.

Automotive, like many sectors, has also been experiencing drastic changes throughout the years. When they search for cars and trucks, not just in US but internationally, digital and mobile platforms are increasingly affecting consumer behaviour and decision-making.

The importance of digital marketing

Although the industry has made some observable improvements in adopting and incorporating digital marketing techniques into its distribution, marketing and promotional systems, relative to other industries, it still lags far behind in this regard and there is clearly room for improvement.

There are several reasons why in recent years, the automotive industry is looking more seriously at digital marketing than ever before. A major driving factor, however, is that while digital marketing produces more revenue per car sold, it also costs considerably less. When they stick to conventional strategies, car dealers may probably be spending up to 10 times more than necessary.

Here's some of the digital tactics that must be considered by the automotive industry to integrate into its marketing plans to improve its prospects for revenue and profitability.

Optimisation for search engines

Research shows that a high proportion of users initiate the online search engine purchase process. At this initial point of the car buying process, it is imperative that you have a strong and commanding presence. A professional search engine optimisation agency would start by systematic plan for search engine optimisation will help customers at the top of the search results locate your brand, dealer, or financing service.

Improve mobile experience

It's today's age where any person without a cell phone is the evident odd-man-out, even before it began, if your website and content is not mobile optimised, you have lost the race. Car buyers are known to search online for different aspects of their purchase, including rates, discounts, accessories, payment options and others even when physically shopping at an auto showroom.

For them, not only for primary study, their cell phones are the medium for making the final purchase decision. To bring those cars rolling from the showroom onto the roads, consider supplying your customers with an integrated mobile experience.

Improve social media visibility

It's essential to understand how potential vehicles are being researched by customers. For any company, social media is an important tool, but for the automotive industry, it is an opportunity to target particular customers based on their research habits. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Youtube encourage brands with their promotions to be creatively innovative.

Increasingly, car buyers rely on social media for information and advice about the automobile they want to purchase. In order to communicate with new car purchasers, automakers, dealers, and financiers must turn to social media. You can create brand loyalty, improve customer service, and effectively influence purchasing decisions by providing valuable data and analytical purchase indicators.

People with broad fan bases, reputation in their business, and respect are influencers. New YouTube channels devoted to car test drives and reviews have been created by influencers. Many new clients can be attracted by working with influencers to generate buzz.

Content management is king

A sense of doubt about the brand they would like to purchase is not unusual for consumers to endure. Many of those who are first-time buyers may not know anything about the quality and mileage of good gasoline. This is where it comes into play in content management and marketing. For example, one of the platforms selling vintage cars uses car blog posts to build followers for campaign remarks.

Many posts will include data on fuel usage and CO2 emissions to stand out from the crowd, and video content also features celebrity drivers who represent a common comedy theme, attracting millions of views. Car manufacturers and other related industry-related companies should consider offering information via blogs and articles that is relevant to their brand success and unique features. The same can be promoted via common social media platforms so that your target audience can get the answers they are searching for.

All car sales are of course, physically made, but each sale has a tradition of online analysis that takes place secretly behind the scenes. This implies that the digital marketing content provided to consumers through a suite of media is profoundly affected by purchasing decisions. The best path ahead for the car sector today is to establish a solid, personalised, and comprehensive digital marketing strategy. 

Build your brand

Having said that, ensure that what you publish is compatible with your brand. It can lead to an adverse result if your post is too far away from your photo. Simply selling a commodity is no longer valuable enough. Companies ought to be concerned about something now and work for a worthwhile purpose. Customers expect a human aspect from the organisations in whom they choose to communicate. You boost your brand's image by demonstrating that your brand is socially conscious and responsible.

It demonstrates your brand cares about what your clients think by taking the time to react to every review. Stay on-brand when reacting to feedback and be genuine. Even poor reviews are an incentive for the reputation of your brand to change. Do your best to resolve the problem without making empty promises that you can't keep if anyone is unhappy with their interaction. For all your reactions, be polite and honest and your clients will appreciate it.


With digital now more than an option, car brands and dealerships need to commit themselves to incorporating and incorporating digital technology and approaches into their business. The secret to embarking on or advancing digitalisation is to provide a workforce that recognises digital fundamentals so that, through active social selling strategies, they can conduct effective marketing strategies and influence consumers. Ultimately, the aim of digital approaches should be to ensure that the journey of the customer is interactive, engaging and enjoyable.

Imagining the Future of Smart Home Automation

Smart home automation is becoming a part of everyday life around the world, slowly but surely. In reality, the global smart home automation market is projected to grow exponentially in the next decades. There's a wide number of IoT-powered gadgets these days. Thermostats, fridges, surveillance devices, and even dryers and kettles contain these. The manner we live has been changed by smart homes. How about asking Alexa, when you are doing another job, to stream your favourite playlist and get weather reports?

Automation of a Smart Home

Smart home automation will do far more than that, the prospect of our lives has now become it. It is said that IoT technology will become simpler and more systemic. Using an app, you will be able to monitor the kitchen and home appliances. There is no need to manually monitor items, as that will be taken care of by AI. As per individual users, these devices will tend to engage.

IoT and Smart Homes

The IoT ecosystem relies on data collecting. The information is then used via the internet to manage, track, and transform data to other devices. This allows the automatic triggering of specific acts if such circumstances occur.

For their reliable connection and communication efficiency, wired solutions are preferred. More significantly, as opposed to wireless internet access, there is greater security control. Wired solution-based companies took aesthetics to a new level by designing plate switches in various colours, fabrics and designs to suit interior design, as numerous equipment and software are directly connected system switchboard.


Smart lighting has been evolving into a trend these days. They can be arranged to switch on or adjust their strength. It is likely, however to take a few steps forward in the future. The lights will respond to other decisions you make with IoT activated around the house. The lights will respond, for instance, to your home theater.

Anytime you start watching a film, they will turn it off. They can also respond to the form of film by moving forward. For example, if the lights detect that you are viewing a horror film, they will switch off completely.

Doors and Gates

In the future, doors might be smarter than they are. Imagine that the door can only open when you enter or shut it. With a smartphone or facial recognition, this can be achieved.

By having the rest of the place to bring charges in conjunction with your entry, this function can be expanded to the next level. For example, as soon as you enter through the door, the lights will turn on. For garages or commercial spaces, automated roller shutters installation can be wired to the smart home system or automobiles. Conversely, the lights will turn off automatically if you are going.


You can now remotely monitor your home thermostat easily via Apps. You may not even have to do that in the future. If you are entering your house, the thermostat is able to recognise you.

The room and exterior temperature will then be tested and the specific temperature set for you. It can also recognise when you take particular actions and adapt accordingly. 

Air Conditioners

From time to time, both IoT and traditional air conditioners require maintenance. All the things which should be done to keep any AC working smoothly are to clean the coils, keep the philtre clean and clear the outdoor device of debris. However when it comes to maintenance, an AC that is linked to the Internet of Things has one clear advantage: it can self-diagnose. Each component of an IoT AC has an address of its own. The device will be alerted when one of these sections fails and the necessary steps can be taken. A conventional AC will not let you aware until it is too late that there is a problem.

Window Shades

For homes and workplaces, window shades provide more than just trendy coverings. It has made it easy to monitor curtains and blinds installations with the advancement of smart home technology, enabling them to go cord-free. What's more, users can monitor the sunlight from entering the screens, with scene setting advantages.

Gardens and Plants

With the help of IoT, even your gardens will become intelligent in the future. In the greenhouse, you will be able to find IoT sensors. They will activate the irrigation system if these detectors identify dryness in the soil. When the grass reaches a certain trigger height, robotic lawn tractors can be positioned remotely.

Integrations for Smart Home Systems

Implementation can have both a positive and a negative effect on the technology of smart homes. Smart homes should be able to know when to turn the light off at the moment you exit the building, with your facial recognition, make the door lock inactive, and much more.

There will be more convergence in the near future towards smart home assistance for homeowners. The universal adoption of IoT-enabled smart homes, the predominant one of which is cost, has a few obstacles. Another big problem is privacy. Then there are the related technology constraints that establish barriers between multiple IoT devices in a coherent communication.